About Us

Our team is a group of highly professional traders with many years of forex trading experience. With the help of our credible service, we'll show you how to make a lucrative living from forex trading. We only send out signals after we make a technical and fundamental analysis on the market.

We don't predict. We know. It's our distinct advantage.

Concerns or questions can be directed to support@freeforexalert.com


  1. Hi,do you have apple app or internet site? Thanks

  2. Hi, I was wondering...your signals don't usually come this late

  3. I had a phone call from forex alerts at 04,55 a.m. Always in bed at that time also last two alerts SMS again early a.m. both too late to trade. UK GMT

  4. Sir, had a phone call early this morning from Forex Alerts 04.52 a.m. always asleep at that time UK GMT. Also last two alerts also very early in the morning so too late to trade them?

  5. hey i am creating an whatsapp group for for ex traders please provide your contact no. below
